Many forex trading courses are not organized in making trading plans or do not know what points should be considered in making a trading plan. In this article, we will review how to make a trading plan that is practical, realistic, and effective.
A trading plan is a "template" or a certain pattern to determine the sequence of steps in trading. So this works to make it easier for the best forex broker to not have to think spontaneously anymore. The trader will do with carefully.
In short, a trading forex plan is a checklist or "checklist" of what must be done before we enter the spot market. Besides, the trading forex plan also includes short-term and long-term plans, as well as how to realize them.
A forex trading courses plan does not have to contain long and detailed sentences, but is short, clear, decisive, and covers all aspects of our trading methods and strategies. For example, maybe just like a list to write can not be confused.
The Reason in Forex Trading Courses Make A Plan
Managing Emotional Risk. The main reason why we must have a trading plan is to prevent emotional involvement in trading. As we have seen, the way forex trading involves emotions can be fatal, both a sense of wanting to "revenge" when you're losing or a feeling of euphoria when profit.
Such a thing will not happen if we are disciplined following the steps in the trading plan. We let the market respond to our trading positions, without having to worry about what will happen. We do not have to open new positions in our trading plan does not require that.
The quality of forex trading courses is the accuracy of our trading positions that the market will respond to. This is very closely related to the trading methods we use. Then you will only enter the market if you setup Price Action on the Daily Chart.
All of this is stated in the trading plan which must be carried out with discipline. Of course, adequate trading quality can be obtained from trading experience both with demo, and live accounts which we then formulate briefly, concisely and decisively in our trading plan.
Aspect and Strategy When Make A Plan
Here are some points that should be listed in a trading plan. This process will, of course, be guided by the best mentors in Indonesia. It also didimax provide free services for forex education. This, of course, will be very profitable.
The way you analyze market conditions and the application of your forex trading courses to certain market conditions. Trading strategies that you will apply to certain market conditions, for example, if the market is trending strongly you will apply averaging techniques.
Money management that you apply. The most important thing here is a comparison of your risk and profit (risk/reward ratio) and the volume or lot size of each position you open. This is very relative depending on the balance in your account.
For example, the risk per trade is between 3% to 5% of the balance, and the risk/reward ratio = 1: 2. Double-check before you enter the market (double-check). This needs to be done to avoid mistakes because carelessness does not have to occur.
Didimax's forex broker has always provided a place of education that can be accessed offline or online. Therefore whenever you want to learn a trade, just join the best forex trading courses in didimax and you will get many benefits from these sites.