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Some Basic Tips to Sell and Buy Stocks

by Didimax Team

Buying and selling stocks is actually pretty easy today since there is a lot of platforms that you can access today such as forex and so on, but still, as you need some forex learning in order to fully understand what it really means to be a stock trader. Many are very underestimating on how the stock market play, as they are randomly buying some fancy and high cost, which ends up in a very low selling point. This is something that you can avoid if you are spending enough time to learn some forex movement. 


There is a lot of crucial things that you need to learn in order to become a trader, the first is timing. Stock trading is not gambling, as you need to be aware of your surroundings, and you need also to understand when the stock is going up in prices, or vice versa. Though there is not a single thing that you can do to predict those prices accurately, still you can try to make some adjustment, and looking up to the pattern that has been established in the stock prices chart. 

Pattern is Everything in Trading

If you are familiar with stock trading, then you are also will be very familiar with the chart as well. This is for obvious reason, as the chart is everything for the trader, and as a trader, you need to have a keen eye to the chart as well. As the chart goes, there are two kinds of situation that you will be dealing with when you are a trader,  first is when the price goes up or bullish, as the trader says, or when the price goes down, which every trader try to avoid but inevitable anyway. 

So what do you need to do when the stock goes bullish? Many people will try to buy as many stocks as possible when the price goes up, but then as the time goes, the price starts to go down, and in the end, they are selling it with the lower prices from the price they start to buy it.this is called buying high selling low, and this is the most basic mistake the newbie will make in the stock trading. The best time for you to purchase the stocks is when the prices go down so that you can sell it higher eventually. 

Another Mistake You Should Avoid

Being a beginner trader is usually very harsh and discouraging most people, as they lost lots of their money, and seeing their stocks prices plummet in just the matter of days. This is the thing that you can avoid if you do spend some time forex learning, before even engaging in the stock trading activity. There is a lot of mistakes that are usually being done by the newbie, such as buying the wrong stocks, selling at the worst possible times, and so forth. 

And the most fatal mistakes that you could ever make as a newbie trader is, you fully underestimate the stock trading business, as you think you are as capable as warren buffet or someone who makes billions of dollar without actually doing nothing. Stock traders are a very serious and exceptionally hard realm to conquer, and you need a lot of information as well as preparation before even setting foot in this kind of business. 

Tips Form the Beginner Trader

Luckily, there are a lot of apps that provide some demo for trading, and therefore you can start by using those apps to customize yourself with the stock trading. You can also start forex learning in forex sites or seminars, and it will be definitely worth your time.



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