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Trading Stock is Not As Easy As You Think

by Didimax Team

Stock trading took the world by storms in the middle of 2015, as the cryptocurrency soars in the stock market, and today, there is a lot of facilities that allow you to study stocks such as forex learning and so on. The learning is very important for all of the people since the stock trading is very new, and not of all the people can masters it in just a day or two. Even the wisest and most successful stock trader warren buffet takes years to learn how to trade some stocks in the market. 


But yet, the people are very underestimating the stock trader this day, and rendering this kind of business to become a simple gamble for everyone to throw their money off and lost them in an instant. Stock trading is inherently risky, yes. But unfortunately, the beginner is taking the needles risk as it cost them their money, and obviously, they are losing their huge amount of money since they don’t understand on how the stock work, and just blindly purchase the stock as it is every day’s goods. 

What is The Beginner Mistake in Stock Trading

There are a lot of people that enter the stock market blindly, without even knowing what they are doing, and in the end, they lost thousands of dollar upon making these huge mistakes that we are going to explain below. The first and the most fatal mistake that you can ever encounter as a trader is buying high and selling low. This mistake alone can cost you your entire money, and as well as discouraging many people to ever touch the stock market again. 

Let’s take bitcoin for example, as this is the perfect instance we could ever find to explain the buying high selling low phenomenon. Many people are rushing themselves to purchase the BTC when the prices reach hundreds of thousands dollar, and as the time goes, the prices are plummeting, as the bitcoin now yields only 3 thousand and a half. Imagine If you do purchase the BTC when the price is at its peak, and now the price is no more than five thousand, you will probably lose all of your money by now. 

How to Pick a Correct Stock

Most people love the grand and fancy stock from a well-known company such as Facebook, Apple and so forth. It is logical and the safest place for you to place your money. But what you need to know about those places are, their stock market is very volatile and wild, as a single disruption could kick start the bull, or hammering the price downward. Therefore, you need to be careful and spend more of your time forex learning before even engaging in the stock market. 

The first thing that you need to know before even starting your own career as a trader is, you need to know what kind of trader you want to be. There are at least three types of trader, such as the day trader, the swing trader, and the super trader. That kind of trader is very different in nature, as they yield a very different result. You need to study those types very differently if you want to become a successful trader. 

The Best and Ideal Trader

The trader is patient, like a bull which is steadily aiming towards its goal. The best trader you can ever be is a super trader, where you patiently wait for the whole months for your price to go up and reap the benefit from forex learning by having a ton of money at your disposal.



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