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Trading Stocks In Apps Today

by Didimax Team

Trading stocks used to be for the broker or the super-rich person that owns billions of dollar and want to expand their rich, but as there are so many platforms such as forex learning, you can now start trading only using your mobile gadget of laptop, as there are so many apps that enable you to buy and sell stocks without you ever have to go to the stock and trade center. This allows millions of people becoming the stock trader currently. 


But unfortunately, there is a lot of people that simply don’t understand what kind of business trading stock is, and therefore they are succumbing to losses after unsuccessful investment ventures that cost them thousands of dollars. there are too many failure stories related to the stock trading, and therefore you need to prepare a lot before even setting foot in the stock market. One of the preparations that you can take is forex learning in some sites or online courses. 

Three Types Of Trader In The Stock Market

As trading stocks becoming easier today, there is a lot of trading type that you can aspire to become one of them, but firstly, you need to understand the types of trader currently. There are three types of trader, and the first and the most popular one is the day trader. As the name suggests, this kind of trader is the one who will never hold their stock for a very long time. Usually, they will just hold their stock for about 5 minutes or even less since they pursue speed and also profit. 

This is by far the most exhausting type of trader that you can be, but still, if you do want to try this kind of trader, you can try. But mostly, any experienced trader will advise you to not become this kind of trader, as this yield the smallest result, and also not very prospective to begin with. You need to give the market some time to alleviate the prices, and a day trader is not giving the chance for the market to raise the price, and in the end, the day trader is the one who suffers the most. 

Between The Swing Trader And The Super Trader

If you do want to balance out between the speed and also the result that yields the most, then you can become the swing trader. Unlike the day trader that only holds their stocks for about 5 minutes, the swing trader will hold their stock for about a week or so. You can still sell the stock if the price has already met the expectation, but still, you want to hold your stock as long as you can, so that the price will rise and you can gain maximum profit. 

But if you want to have even more profit, you can become a super trader. This kind of trader is usually the one who gain most of the money since they are patient and not easy to panic when the price going to fall. They are the one who researches more, and in the end, they are the winner in the stock trading market. You can become one of them, but you need to hold your stock for at least 6 months. 

Start Trading Now Via Apps

As technology has progressed, now there are a lot of apps that enable you to do some trading using only your apps. This is ideal for many of trader since it is very accessible and very easy to use. But still, you need to have some forex learning before engaging in the stock market.



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