BANDUNG, PelitaJabar - Aid for Lombok earthquake victims continues to arrive from various agencies and companies. Didimax is no exception, this futures investment company also sends medical teams as well as food and medicine assistance.
Conditions due to the earthquake there were quite alarming. Not only that, the assistance that came in turn, it seems that it still feels lacking.
"All on scrambling for snacks, even if only drinking water. Even until someone intercepted in the middle of the road. Because all buildings are flat on the ground, "explained Hardi Ikromullah, Commissioner of Didimax to PelitaJabar Wednesday (8/8).
It is said, with this incident, of course 234 thousand people of Lombok need food and drink. The location of the disaster is in the Teniga, Gangga and Tanjung Lombok North Villages.
"Let's pray for our relatives and families in Lombok for this ordeal. May Allah SWT help and strengthen the faith of all of us, "said Hardi.

In line, Yadi Supriyadi, President Commissioner of DIDIMAX, revealed that the assistance from Didimax hopefully could ease the burden, our brothers and sisters who were affected by the Lombok earthquake. And let's help and pray for them together. "The" DIDIMAX PEDULI "team departs Monday (6/8/18). And will return to Bandung, see the situation and conditions, "said Yadi.